The aptly named Ricochet, they say, “behaves like a particle system for splines by automatically animating splines to “ricochet” around your Cinema 4D scene or even within models.

Now the team has introduced a groundbreaking plugin for Cinema 4D. The team has worked on movie titles and credit sequences including Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, Dumb & Dumber To, and Krampus. Also co-founding the Half Rez event, the Midwest’s largest annual motion graphics conference. Rocket Lasso’s team is also heavily involved in the motions design local community in the Midwest, founding the long-running user group Chicago C4D which brings artists, students, and the studios of the Chicagoland area together to celebrate 3D in motion design. Each and every Wednesday, artists can find Chris on Twitch, diving into an endless variety of topics as he tackles questions live from the audience. With a focus on openness and community sharing the team at Rocket Lasso has created hundreds of hours of tutorials that go beyond the basics and live streams answering questions directly from the audience. Rocket Lasso is the brainchild of Chris Schmidt who for two decades has been providing workflow enhancing plugins, tutorials and live streamed knowledge to the Maxon community. This plugin behaves like a particle system for splines, by automatically animating splines in Cinema 4D. Since this is so you dont need to worry about the codec.Unleash the power of splines with Ricochet, the newest tool from Rocket Lasso for Cinema 4D.

If you find yourself needing to view individual files as a animation then get some frame cycling software. Use some appropriate lossless single image format such as PNG or EXR. No you cant even save disk space, and even if you would it would be pointless, buy more disk. It is trivial to split the job across several machines.